Customer Service Training

Providing good customer service is the key to any successful business or organization.  Whether your organization is service, retail, white or blue collar, healthcare, internet based or otherwise - the key to keeping customers and clients happy and therefore coming back is to provide them with excellent, on-time and proactive service. 

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Organizations who train their employees on customer service have a significant advantage over their counterparts who don’t.  In today’s ultra competitive world, customer service can be deciding factor on where consumers take their business.   When companies offer essentially the same product or service, the service skills that your employees have developed are crucial to the organization's success.  As Bob Farrell, the host of the classic customer service video Give 'em the Pickle says, “We are all in the same business…the people business.”  If the people your employees interact with on a daily basis are happy and satisfied, then your business will thrive.  If they aren’t your business will likely fail.


Failure doesn't have to be an option! TrainingABC can offer you the largest selection of customer service training programs on the market.  In our library, you will find programs on customer service pertaining to telephone, internal, retail, government, healthcare and hospitality service to name a few. (and) Most programs are available in DVD, streaming or e-learning format.  We offer convenient online video previews of all our programs to make it easier for you to make a purchasing decision.  Whether you need a shorter meeting opener program to inspire your audience or you need a more in-depth vignette or dramatic program we have you covered.

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