Social Media is a New Frontier For Customer Service

Category: Customer Service
Posted: 01-18-2011 07:17 PM
Views: 6522

Social media is a quickly increasing trend in the online world. No matter the size of your business, small or large, it can benefit from the use of social media. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace can offer your company so much more than just blogging and adding friends. Gaining new clientele and letting the social media community know what your company offers are just a couple benefits of using this virtual media outlet.  Educating your employees on how to provide effective customer service training online is  a crucial part of taking advantage of this new technology.

Social media is a quickly increasing trend in the online world. No matter the size of your business, small or large, it can benefit from the use of social media. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace can offer your company so much more than just blogging and adding friends. Gaining new clientele and letting the social media community know what your company offers are just a couple benefits of using this virtual media outlet.  Educating your employees on how to provide effective customer service training online is  a crucial part of taking advantage of this new technology.

The use of social media can bring more traffic to your website than ever before, meaning more people will be aware of your company's products or services. By using social networking sites to advertise your product, you can also know that a wide number of people are seeing the ads all at once which can make regular advertisement much easier and more efficient.

You could actually save yourself money in the long run. Advertising costs are cheaper for social media advertising versus most other forms of advertising. So why spend more than you have too? The goal is to create a profit, and lowering costs is a large part. However, carrying out your advertising through any of these sites in the wrong manner could end up creating more work for you. Paying close attention to what you are doing and educating yourself on the entire process is not only going to save you money, but also time.

Word of mouth is always beneficial to any growing company, which is at the core of social media advertising. Anybody and everybody would rather purchase a product that someone they know suggested to them, especially compared to blindly buying a product off the internet. Creating a positive image and real clientele through social media will build trust for your product. With enough trust created, your link could end up being suggested on other sites as advertising. Therefore, you will be getting your name further into the business realm.

Using a social media site could open many new windows that could highly benefit your company. Thousands of people and businesses are also trying to get their name out there. So if you are personally looking for services to benefit your own company, they may actually find you through these sites. If you are happy with their services, you will likely tell someone else-it goes back to word of mouth, along with customer satisfaction. If customer service is not your company's strongest point, be sure you implement an effective customer service training program for your employees. That least thing you want is "word of mouth" that is actually harming your company, whether spread online or offline.

Social media networking is a beneficial community that opens the door to customers you may not have reached, allowing you to reach for the stars. Your name can become known through word of mouth (or you increasing 'fans'). Remember to educate yourself properly before just jumping into the social media world. Your company will go as far as you push, so create the trust, add the fans, and grow your business.

Catherine Rodriguez-Brown is a creative content manager for TrainingABC. TrainingABC is a distributor of customer service videos and DVDs including the best-selling customer service video, Give em the Pickle.

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