Beyond Words: Hiring and Interviewing

DVD: $695.00
Total Cost: $695.00
Production Date
Video Length
12 minutes
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The hiring process costs companies time and resources, which is why it is so important to learn how to pick out candidates that are a good fit for the job. Learning how to read body language is one essential skill that many interviewers lack. Beyond Words: Hiring and Interviewing will help hiring personnel improve their abilities to read candidates by going beyond what is spoken during interviews. This video course explores non-verbal cues and signs of deception or doubt.

Learn how to communicate and interview better. The skills presented can have a powerful impact on the long term success of any organization. Beyond Words will:

  • Explore the meaning behind body language
  • Help interviews learn to identify signs of doubt and/or deception
  • Identify non-verbal cues that could say more about a job candidate than spoken words
  • Provide tips to improve communication and interviewing skills
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