Leadership: What's Trust Got To Do With It? Second Edition

This video-based training program is available in a variety of formats and delivery methods.
DVD: $795.00
Total Cost: $795.00
Production Date
Video Length
19 minutes
Closed Captioning
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Improve the trust between your managerial team and staff. Trust is crucial to a positive relationship and improved productivity. And often, trust is lacking when it comes to leadership.

After watching this video, your leaders will be cognizant of the need to have the trust of both their peers and employees. With this video training, they will further learn techniques that will help them gain the trust of others. Participants will hear the story of a manager whose team loses trust in him. He adopts the five trust-building behaviors taught in this video making him more trustworthy to his staff. This results in a stronger team that works together more cohesively and efficiently.

Principles taught in this training include:

  • Trust is crucial to effective leadership.
  • Actions can improve or destroy trust.
  • There are five behaviors that will foster trust including:
  • Honesty and open communication.
  • Honoring your word; that is always following through on what you say you will do.
  • Humility; not being prideful.
  • Being both confident and competent in your work skills.
  • Give credit and recognition to others for their successes. 

Incorporate this video in your leadership training or managerial conference. It also makes a great addition to your corporate library for self-study or small group trainings. 

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