The 5 Best Workplace Ethics Training Videos on the Market

Category: Ethics
Posted: 05-14-2011 10:05 PM
Views: 3916

Using an ethics training video can be an effective way to teach your employees proper ethical behavior in the workplace. Ethics is more than about compliance. (although this is the ultimate goal) It needs to start with core values and standards of behavior expected by an organizations. The ethics videos available on the market attack this important aspect of employee training from both perspectives.

Using an ethics training video can be an effective way to teach your employees proper ethical behavior in the workplace. Ethics is more than about compliance. (although this is the ultimate goal) It needs to start with core values and standards of behavior expected by an organizations. The ethics videos available on the market attack this important aspect of employee training from both perspectives.

Compliance is Just the Beginning - This two part program starts by discussing ethics in the workplace and the pressures facing employees today.  It provides an easy to use three step process to use when confronted with an ethical dilemma.  The second part contains 8 dramatized ethical situations that presents the viewers with a variety of scenarios which could confront them in their own workplace.

Moment of Truth - This clear, up-front video uses six different ethical dilemmas to show that whether the pressure is coming from a manager, co-worker, family or friend a proper decision can be made by asking themselves four simple questions - Is it the Truth?  Is It Fair to All?  Is it Free From Harm?  Am I Proud to do It?

Good People, Bad Choices - This ethics video program goes after the subject of ethical decision making with 9 dramatizes vignettes on such topics as confidential information, gift giving, financial accountability, copyright infringement and more.  The program uses 2 former executives and a graduate student new to the workplace as the main characters.

Ethics: The Logic of Right - This ethics training program uses a host who takes the viewers through ethical scenarios and asks them - what would you do?  The video uses the LOGIC style of handling the situation.  L – Look for any Laws or regulations that apply to your situation. O - Consult your Organization’s Code of Conduct for guidance. G – Get another person’s perspective of the matter. I – Investigate your options and consider who would be helped and who would be hurt by each choice. C – Check your comfort level by tuning in to how you really feel.

Ethics 4 Everyone - Hosted by by noted ethicist Eric Harvey this ethics training DVD tackles a myriad of ethical situations from taking home a few office supplies, to ethnic jokes, to insider trading, and more. 

Even the most seasoned of employees could use a refresher on workplace ethics.  Why not use an ethics video that has been thoroughly researched and provides an instant and memorable training class for your employees.  These programs include leader's guides and other support materials that help reinforce the training and provide for further discussion.  Arm your workforce with the ability to handle ethical dilemmas that they are sure to face.

Charlie Bentson King is a writer and producer of training videos for TrainingABC.  TrainingABC is a producer and distributor of workplace training videos including videos on ethics in the workplace.


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