The Best Diversity Training Videos on the Market

Category: Workplace Diversity
Posted: 12-30-2011 10:59 PM
Views: 7537

The world that we live in has never been more diverse and as a result workplaces have never had more of a need for tolerance, understanding and communication. One of the best ways to address this issue is through diversity awareness training with diversity videos. Video training is one of the most effective tools in adult learning and these training packages include leaders guides, participant materials and in some cases Power Point presentations - every thing you need to facilitate a training session.

The world that we live in has never been more diverse and as a result workplaces have never had more of a need for tolerance, understanding and communication. One of the best ways to address this issue is through diversity awareness training with diversity videos. Video training is one of the most effective tools in adult learning and these training packages include leaders guides, participant materials and in some cases Power Point presentations - every thing you need to facilitate a training session.

Diversity Face to Face: Overcoming Stereotypes & Microinequities - This new video focuses on four main aspects of diversity in the workplace - stereotypes, similarities, unity and benefits. The program is really hip and uses an extremely high level of production value for a training video. Because it is brand new, it covers cutting edge diversity topics as well as classic problems.

As Simple As Respect: Diversity, Respect & Inclusion In the Workplace - This program has quickly become a classic in the industry. Shot in a vignette and discussion format, As Simple as Respect covers every aspect of diversity in a clean, concise manner. The program is broken down into "simple steps" which help the viewer understand real world ways to understand and accept diversity in the workplace.

OUCH! That Stereotype Hurts: Communicating Respectfully in a Diverse World - The unique innovative program uses the example of how people use stereotypes to label people without really getting to know them. The program uses rapid-fire comments and interviews of people to tell a story. The video approaches problem with common-sense strategies to respectfully confront stereotypes and behaviors that are offensive. Ouch has quickly become a best seller.

Drop by Drop - This diversity video program confronts the subtle discrimination and tiny injustices that add up to become a big problem in the workplace. They are called micro inequities and although by themselves they are small, they become a huge problem when grouped together as a whole. The program starts with an employee quitting due to the problem in her workplace. The problems that led up to the resignation are then shown to see why these micro inequities become macro quickly. Drop by Drop is a highly recommended program to confront the more subtle diversity issues that are most commonplace.

As Simple As Respect - The diversity video is done in a vignette-style stop and discuss format. This easy to follow style helps employee and mangers with eight commonsense guidelines to discuss issues of respect in the workplace. Using a variety of settings, As Simple As Respect shows cutting edge diversity issues and how to combat them. One of the best-seller on the market for the past several years.

Village of 100 - This meeting opener focuses on tolerance, understanding and education. Breaking the world up into 100 people, the video shows how the distribution would look with a variety of statistics. It only takes three minutes, but the results are staggering. The need for cultural awareness has never been greater. A true classic in the workplace diversity arena, this program is a must have.

Any of these six programs will enhance the diversity education in your workplace. Cultural understanding is now imperative to survival in today's business world. Don't let your organization get bogged down by stereotypes and other diversity issues. Train for diversity today.

Charlie Bentson King is a writer and producer TrainingABC. TrainingABC is a distributor of diversity videos. TrainingABC's selection of diversity video and DVD programs is the industry's most comprehensive.


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