Patient Rights Made Simple

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This patient bill of rights training program is available in a variety of formats and delivery methods.
USB Flash Drive: $395.00
Total Cost: $395.00
Video Length
13 minutes
Closed Captioning
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Every patient who enters a healthcare facility deserves to be treated with dignity and respect and be empowered to make personal decisions about their healthcare choices. These two tenets are at the core of the patient bill of rights. A list of guarantees first developed in 1973 and then revised in 1992, by the American Hospital Association.


This production details this list of rights which are used for accreditation by the Joint Commission on Healthcare Accreditation and are required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid.


This program covers the many patient rights that fall into the following areas:

  • Courtesy, compassion, dignity, and respect
  • Discrimination
  • Personal representatives
  • The right to self-determination
  • Informed consent
  • Advanced directives
  • Unintended outcomes and mistakes
  • Pain management
  • Medical records
  • Personal safety
  • Right to quality care
  • Right to emergency care
  • Right to a detailed explanation of costs
  • Complaint procedures
  • Patient responsibilities
  • And more
  • HIPAA Privacy Compliance: It's the Law
  • Patient Rights and HIPAA Privacy Compliance Combo
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