Progressive Discipline Made Simple Spanish

  • Watch the Full Video Evaluation
  • Take the Course Evaluation
This training program is available in a variety of formats and delivery methods.
USB Flash Drive: $395.00
Total Cost: $395.00
Video Length
13 minutes
Closed Captioning
TrainingABC Library
Employee Quiz
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Progressive discipline reduces turnover, increases productivity, and keeps organizations safe from lawsuits. This brand new course will teach your managers and supervisors how to effectively apply progressive discipline and create greater success for your organization.


  • Keeping communication job related
  • Keeping emotions in check
  • How to effectively document discipline
  • Initial counseling sessions
  • The formal oral warning
  • The formal written warning
  • The final written warning
  • Terminating employment
  • Immediate discharges
  • Harassment Prevention Made Simple
  • Workplace Bullying Prevention Made Simple
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