Religious Harassment & Discrimination in the Workplace

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USB Flash Drive: $395.00
Total Cost: $395.00
Video Length
6 minutes
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Teach your managers and supervisors all of the legal aspects of religion in the workplace!


Regardless of religious affiliation, an employee is afforded federal rights of protection against harassment and discrimination in the workplace. They are also protected from retaliation of reporting such incidents. These rights not only cover current employees, but potential employees as well in regard to hiring practices.


In this course, we will cover the definition of religious harassment and discrimination as outlined by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. We will also explore who is covered under the act, and how it applies to your responsibilities as an employer. Failure to comply with federal regulations could result in litigation and significant fines from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the federal oversight office that manages compliance.

Throughout this training, we will review not only the practical applications of the law, but how religious discrimination and harassment negatively affect the productivity and culture of a modern workplace.


Upon completion of the course, you will have learned best practices for identifying and stopping workplace religious discrimination and harassment. You will also have learned how to provide reasonable accommodations for religious practices, as well as accommodations for faith-based dress and grooming standards as outlined under federal law.

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