Sexual Harassment Prevention in Delaware

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This video-based training program is available in a variety of formats and delivery methods.
USB Flash Drive: $395.00
Total Cost: $395.00
Video Length
13 minutes
Closed Captioning
Electronic Use License
Course Length
23 minutes
TrainingABC Library
Employee Quiz
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Delaware has long had strong, state-level sexual harassment laws on the books to support the federal laws and regulations already in effect. The Delaware Discrimination in Employment Act serves as an anchor for the policies that protect employees in the state. This act works in conjunction with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 


Delaware law requires that employers with 50 or more employees must provide sexual harassment training every two years. This course will assist in meeting that requirement.

In this course, we will review not only the legal aspects of the law, but the effects of sexual harassment in the workplace and how it creates a negative environment within your organization. Some subjects we will cover include:


  • When and how complaints of sexual harassment are investigated
  • Ways managers, supervisors and owners are held accountable
  • Consequences of failing to take corrective measures
  • The difference between Quid Pro Quo harassment and Hostile Environments


This comprehensive course provides situational examples of what is considered sexual harassment in the workplace under Delaware law and federal law, how to react to such instances, and productive steps you can take as an employer to change the workplace environment to one where harassment is discouraged. Sexual harassment comes in many forms and it can often be confusing without proper training.


When the course is completed, you will have a toolbox at your disposal to help identify sexual harassment in your workplace. You will also be able to confidently investigate and correct such actions beginning with the hiring stage of employment all the way to identifying and correcting it within performance reviews of long-time employees.

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