

Articles on employee training, management, customer service, harassment, diversity and many other workplace topics.
Subcategories: Customer Service, Employee Development, Employment Law, Management/Leadership, Safety, Workplace Bullying, Workplace Diversity

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Workplace Ethics Training - Deception
Workplace Ethics Training - Deception
Category: Ethics
Posted: 01-25-2013 10:09 PM
Views: 4522
Synopsis: Deception is one of the most important workplace ethics training topics. Deception includes a number behaviors that are perpetrated to improve the position of an individual employee or for the organization as a whole. The following are the most common types of deception in the workplace.
Employee Ethics Training - Theft
Employee Ethics Training - Theft
Category: Ethics
Posted: 01-21-2013 10:09 PM
Views: 16041
Synopsis: Employee theft results in billions of dollars in lost revenue in the workplace every year. Theft prevention is a critical part of any workplace ethics training program.
Understanding The A.D.A. Amendments Act
Understanding The A.D.A. Amendments Act
Category: Employment Law
Posted: 09-03-2012 09:09 PM
Views: 3819

In 2008, the American's with Disability Amendments Act or ADAA was signed into law expanding the ADA.  Over the years the courts had narrowed the view of what is considered a disability in the workplace.  The ADAA was signed into law to clarify the original intent of the law and broaden the definition of disability.  Now, many more people are covered.  This can cause confusion among managers in many organizations.  Making sure your managers are given ADA Training is the most important first step to insure you are in compliance.

Following the Law: The Family Medical Leave Act
Following the Law: The Family Medical Leave Act
Category: Employment Law
Posted: 09-02-2012 09:14 PM
Views: 3924

The FMLA or Family Medical Leave Act was made law in 1993 and provides for unpaid leave for specific family and medical reasons.  The act was passed to give workers a chance to take leave from their employment for pressing family concerns without the fear of losing their job or benefits.   All organizations with 50 or more employees who work 20 or more weeks a year are required to adhere to the FMLA.   The FMLA is a critical part of employment law training.

10 Ways Managers Get into Legal Trouble
10 Ways Managers Get into Legal Trouble
Category: Employment Law
Posted: 08-29-2012 09:14 PM
Views: 10361

Being a manager means traversing a legal minefield on a daily basis.  There are a myriad of ways managers can get tripped up and find themselves in court - or worse - arrested or fired.  The best way to prepare your managers is to provide them with employment law training.  The following are 10 of the most common ways a manager can make legal mistakes on the job.

Stereotypes and Biases in the Workplace
Stereotypes and Biases in the Workplace
Category: Workplace Diversity
Posted: 08-26-2012 09:59 PM
Views: 7047

Stereotypes and biases can destroy an organization from the inside.  They tear apart morale, creativity and motivation.  Everyone has stereotypes and biases, but it's how we use them that makes all the difference.  A stereotype is a generalized view of a person based on life experience.  Essentially, we put people in a box just based on a shared trait.  A stereotype can be positive or negative, but always can be dangerous when used at work.  Biases are predispositions to see the world or people in a certain way.  A bias isn't necessarily a bad thing until it offends or is used to the detriment of a co-worker.   In the workplace, we can't allow these feelings to effect how we treat people.

Sexual Harassment Rears its Ugly Head - New Claims against US Immigration Boss
Sexual Harassment Rears its Ugly Head - New Claims against US Immigration Boss
Category: Harassment
Posted: 08-25-2012 09:15 PM
Views: 3087

Sexual harassment has once again reared its ugly head in the workplace.  Just today, it has been reported that three subordinate employees have accused a high level political appointee to the U.S. Immigrations and customs enforcement administration of sexual harassment.   This particular case raises an aspect of sexual harassment that is usually overlooked when we think of a perpetrator of harassment - the accused party is a woman and the three subordinate employees are male.

Working Toward Workplace Bullying Prevention
Working Toward Workplace Bullying Prevention
Category: Articles
Posted: 08-22-2012 03:05 AM
Views: 2770

The topic of bullying in school has been widely reported upon in the recent past and a string of tragic events have led to an increased level of awareness on the part of the public as to the effects that bullying can have on the victim who is the target.

While the focus has been on how bullying can be recognized and eliminated amongst school children, the topic of workplace bullying is equally as prevalent and is something that adults often deal with in their daily work lives as well.

 HIPAA Privacy Compliance Training
HIPAA Privacy Compliance Training
Category: Employment Law
Posted: 08-20-2012 09:40 PM
Views: 3378

HIPAA privacy protection is federal law and sets limits on who can look at our private electronic, oral and written health information.  The security component requires health organizations to protect patient electronic information with a tight level of security.  It is critical that all employees who work with patient records understand HIPAA and how to handle and secure patient medical data.  Comprehensive HIPAA privacy training is required by the law.

How to Write a Sexual Harassment Policy for Your Workplace
How to Write a Sexual Harassment Policy for Your Workplace
Category: Harassment
Posted: 08-19-2012 09:41 PM
Views: 3945

Sexual harassment in the workplace continues to be a problem throughout the USA and the world.  Every organization who is serious about prevention needs to provide employee sexual harassment training.  Part of this training is a concise, unambiguous sexual harassment policy statement.  It needs to be direct and leave no doubt that your workplace has no tolerance for harassing behavior.  The following are some tips for writing your organization's policy.

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